Hills Ukulele Festival (HUF)

Hills Ukulele Festival (HUF)

The Students excel the Teacher!

Our intrepid group of UkeAlohas courageously, professionally, and joyously played on at the recent Hills Ukulele Festival (HUF); without me and other Covid-affected players who couldn't make it. Several of us tested positive the night before, however a core group of players quickly and efficiently took responsibility.

Some long-standing friends of mine watched The UkeAlohas play at HUF and are absolutely glowing in their unsolicited praise, viz (and I quote directly):

  • “fantastic and uplifting music; plus the background stories too”
  • “very positive atmosphere”
  • “well choreographed”
  • “everyone knew their parts”
  • “good & loud solo parts”
  • “so happy!”
  • “could tell that you enjoyed playing”
  • “strong sense of unity”